in a way that 
INSPIRES Team Members 
to WANT to 
do 'right' things in 'right' ways...
even when no one's watching

Building upon an unparalleled track record 
of Client Successes over the past 17+ years, 
PPI Human Performance LEADERSHIP™ 
unlocks the insights, strategies, and tools 

Here's a Sampling 
of What You'll Discover in 
Human Performance LEADERSHIP

  • HOW to Target the CORE of all Human & Organizational Performance (HPI + HOP)
  • A Simple Model and Technique for Becoming a MASTER INFLUENCER
  • ​HOW to Rapidly and Sustainably ​Reduce Mistakes and Improve Safety
  • ​A Simple 4-Step Recipe for Providing Feedback in a Way the GROWS RELATIONSHIPS
  • ​HOW to Move From "Command & Control" to Connection & Collaboration
  • ​The 'Secrets' Underlying Team Member MOTIVATION, OWNERSHIP, and ACCOUNTABILITY
  • ​HOW to Transform Work Climate, Environment, and Ultimately...CULTURE 
  • ​Your KEY to Growing One Team with One Goal having One Conversation
  • HOW to Target the CORE of all Human & Organizational Performance (HPI + HOP)
  • A Simple Model and Technique for Becoming a MASTER INFLUENCER
  • ​HOW to Rapidly and Sustainably ​Reduce Mistakes and Improve Safety
  • ​A Simple 4-Step Recipe for Providing Feedback in a Way the GROWS RELATIONSHIPS
  • ​HOW to Move From "Command & Control" to Connection & Collaboration
  • ​The 'Secrets' Underlying Team Member MOTIVATION, OWNERSHIP, and ACCOUNTABILITY
  • ​HOW to Transform Work Climate, Environment, and Ultimately...CULTURE 
  • ​Your KEY to Growing One Team with One Goal having One Conversation
Throughout history, 'natural' LEADERS have understood and leveraged Proactive Aspects of Human Nature to Benefit the Vision & Mission...
Those who truly 'get' what it means to LEAD recognize that proper Team Member Perspectives, Choices, Behaviors, and Relationships offer the surest path toward Continually-Increasing levels of ACCOUNTABILITY and OWNERSHIP.

These are the rare individuals whose (often rapid) SUCCESS is an outcome of long-term WIN-WIN THINKing and DOing, which generate the ongoing achievement of SUSTAINABLE IMPROVEMENT & RESULTS.

You might be one of them...
The thing is, with today's exponentially-accelerating changes in technology, ever more intrusive regulations, and burgeoning public and media expectations, organizational success demands an internal proliferation of such LEADERS- not just one (or few) at the top.

Until now, the 'gift' of true leadership has been limited to those who've either been blessed with natural abilities or have somehow discovered the 'secrets' on their own.
"To sustainably improve any aspect of Human Performance in today's environment, you must learn to THINK Different, FEEL Different, and DO Different™!"
Tim Autrey
Founder/CEO- PPI

Your Options 
for Experiencing 
Human Performance LEADERSHIP™ 



What do Previous Graduates 
Have to Say About 
PPI Human Performance LEADERSHIP™?

"Love this simplistic viewpoint on HPI! This viewpoint could have saved me $140k at Capella on my Ph.D.!!"

Valerie Bernard, Ph.D.
Executive Training Centers, Inc.

“This Course has presented me with the information and the tools I need to change lives in a massive way. This is going to be the next level for our company, not just safety, not just production, but for EVERYTHING.”
Lee Aumend
MS- Psychology
Reedy Creek

"This is great for anyone who is interested and passionate about leadership and wants to impact their culture in a way that transforms their organization."

Alina Ortega Bustamante
Senior Organizational Development Consultant- Austin Energy

Professional Development Hours (PDH) 
and Certification Credentials Available...

Human Performance LEADERSHIP™ is Accredited for 
Professional Development Hours (PDH) 
and Award of Professional Certification 
by the Human Performance Association, Inc.

Participants completing any venue/platform of Human Performance LEADERSHIP™ 
and passing the online Human Performance LEADERSHIP™ Exam 
will be eligible to receive up to (16) Professional Development Hours (PDH) 
and award of the Professional Designation- HPL (Human Performance LEADER).

is an international not-for-profit organization 
that has established accreditation standards for curriculums 
and professional designations within the Human Performance Industry. 

If you have questions about how to get started 
or which venues/platforms might serve you best...  

We are here to serve...

We’re here to serve you- to help you sustainably raise personal and organizational leadership, performance, and results to levels simply not achievable through old-school thinking or methods.

Quite simply- we're here to help you TRANSFORM CULTURE in a way that makes your organization (an ultimately...our world) BETTER and SAFER.

Should you have ANY questions about Human Performance LEADERSHIP™...or if you just want to talk to some really cool people about...most anything at all…

Let us know using the form to the right., or contact us using the info provided below.

Either way, we'll reach out to you post haste.

Phone: +1 (702) 331-8391

PPI Global, Ltd.
2780 South Jones Blvd. Suite 3722
Las Vegas, NV 89146

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