Randy Jones, PPM
PPI Master Facilitator

Randy Jones has been empowering safety-related choices, actions, & behaviors and helping grow safety cultures for 20+ years within organizations across several industries.

He recognizes safety as integral to organizational reliability, efficiency, and productivity. He’s a master at seeing the “bigger picture”, and for helping organization team members see it as well. This is represented by his ‘tagline’- “Every team member goes home safe at the end of the day with money in their pockets.”

In addition to being a Certified PPI Master Facilitator, Randy has been an accomplished trainer and presenter in the safety arena. He holds a CSHO (Certified Safety and Health Official) certification from UT Arlington OSHA Education Outreach Training Center and is an OSHA Construction Outreach Trainer. He is also trained as a Tap Root Advanced Root Cause Team Leader.

Through his study and experience, combined with a strong desire to not only improve personal and organizational safety, but to improve attitudes and perspectives as well, Randy recognized that the future of safety, especially sustainable safety, requires a focus on Human Performance.
He began his search for solutions beyond compliance-based rules & tools, which is how he discovered PPI and Principle-Based Performance Improvement™.

In August of 2022, Randy contacted PPI Global. Through his studies of the PPI Leadership Master Class, he knew he had found his “one thing”- a method for improving performance that ALSO positively impacts the mindsets and perceptions of everyone involved.

Randy qualified rapidly as a PPI Facilitator in mid-2023, and has been changing lives ever since.

He combines his wealth of background in safety and safety awareness with keen insight into how to reach participants in a way where they want to THINK, FEEL, and DO different. As one of Randy’s recent frontline students put it, “Randy was awesome! He’s great at his job, really goes into detail, and makes the class fun!”

Randy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Health and Safety and a Safety Health and Environmental Management Certificate.

Want to contact Randy? Click Here
To download a PDF version of this Bio, Click Here.

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We’re here to serve you- to help you sustainably raise personal and organizational leadership, performance, and results to levels simply not achievable through old-school thinking or methods.

Quite simply- we're here to help you TRANSFORM CULTURE in a way that makes our world BETTER and SAFER.

Should you have ANY questions about the PPI Culture Profile process or approach...or if you just want to talk to some really cool people about...most anything at all…
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