Accessible online 24/7 
for a fraction of the cost of classroom training
this flexible individualized learning experience 
INSPIRES your Team Members 
to do RIGHT things in RIGHT ways for RIGHT reasons...

"It’s about culture. Not just in your workplace, but at home and in your life."

Jason Spencer
HR Business Partner
Ontario Power Generation

"It’s about culture. Not just in your workplace, but at home and in your life."

Jason Spencer
HR Business Partner
Ontario Power Generation

A Quick Overview...

Through (12) short, engaging, and FUN individualized 
learning Episodes, your Team Members will...
  • Become open to new ways of THINKing and DOing
  • See how internal/personal "WHYs" can indeed align with organizational "WHYs"
  • Be inspired to ENGAGE, take OWNERSHIP, and be ACCOUNTABLE
  • ​Learn to use simple tools that virtually eliminate mistakes, injuries, and accidents
  • Recognize personal opportunities to LEAD- regardless of position or seniority
  • Understand the benefits of helping grow one team, with one goal, having one conversation
  • Become open to new ways of THINKing and DOing
  • See how internal/personal "WHYs" can indeed align with organizational "WHYs"
  • Be inspired to ENGAGE, take OWNERSHIP, and be ACCOUNTABLE
  • ​Learn to use simple tools that virtually eliminate mistakes, injuries, and accidents
  • Recognize personal opportunities to LEAD- regardless of position or seniority
  • Understand the benefits of helping grow one team, with one goal, having one conversation
The learning format is fun, flexible, and easily digestible.
Here's the BIG picture...
The learning format is fun, flexible, and easily digestible.
Here's the BIG picture...
THINK Different
 FEEL Different
 DO Different
Formatted for
Individual Contributors
and Those New to
Next-Gen Human Performance
12 Quick
Easily Digestible
(Customizable) Episodes
Key Point Recall
for Each Episode
Interactive Exercises
Promote Internal
Awareness & Discovery
Final Exam
Documents Learning
of Key Points
Includes Access
to the Interactive
Error Elimination Tools™ App
Suitable-for-Framing Certificate included/ Professional Development Hours (PDH) Available

THINK Different
FEEL Different

Episode 1
Content vs CONTEXT

Episode 2
Understanding Your WHY

Episode 3
Key to the Future: 
Being Proactively Accountable

Episode 4
Understanding Yourself 
and Others

Episode 5
Your Team (Pt 1)
The Foundation

Episode 6
Your Team (Pt 2)
One Team  One Goal  
One Conversation

DO Different™

Episode 7
Mistakes and 

Episode 8
Traps, Roadblocks, Landmines, 
& Intro to the TOOLs 

Episode 9
Your Primary

Episode 10
Your Primary

Episode 11
TOOLs When
Working With 

Episode 12
BEing a

"It’s a really fun tool that has brought our team together. It’s like glue that allows us to support each other in a common way."

Rene Pare
Small Business Owner
MI Custom Signs

"It’s a really fun tool that has brought our team together. It’s like glue that allows us to support each other in a common way."

Rene Pare
Small Business Owner
MI Custom Signs
Digging a Bit Deeper...
WHAT is it?
Human Performance BASIC Training™ (HUB) iLearning is an individualized online experience that grows awareness and “HOW TO” understanding in Next-Gen Human Performance. It's available 24/7, anywhere the internet is acessible.

Going far beyond old-school “rules and tools,” HUB iLearning helps participants expand context about themselves, their jobs & responsibilities, their fellow team members, and your organization. Choices, Actions, and Behaviors begin to come from a place of want to rather than have to.

With renewed mindset (THINK different) and freshened perspective (FEEL different), simple techniques and tools are then introduced for taking action (DO different). 

This combination elevates Ownership, Accountability, and Make-Things-Better energies, grows relationships across generations, disciplines, and departments, enhances teamwork, and drives the incidence of errors and mistakes to lowest possible levels.
HOW Does It Work?
Knowledge and insight can only be transferred when participants are paying attention- when they’re ENGAGED. Offered in 12 bite-sized INTERACTIVE Episodes, HUB iLearning creates a unique, easily digestible, and FUN learning experience.
Participants find themselves paying attention because they want to.
Once registered, your Team Members can log-in and learn on their schedule. They can come and go as often as they want. The content can be accessed on desktop or laptop computers, tablets, smartphones, or any combination of these.

Episodes run between 9 and 25 minutes start-to-finish. Each Episode is followed by a few Key Point Recall questions tailored to help reinforce the ‘important stuff’ before moving onward.

Following Episode 12, there’s a quiz. Passing the quiz provides recognition of achievement for your Team Member, and learning validation for you.

If desired, a personalized suitable-for-framing Certificate can be downloaded and printed upon Course Graduation. In addition, (4) Professional Development Hours (PDH) will be awarded by the Human Performance Association upon request.

Average completion time (including the quiz) is about 4 hours.
WHO is it for?
HUB iLearning not only challenges the status quo through its content and how the content is experienced, it also obliterates barriers of cost, accessibility, and flexibility.
This learning opportunity can play a significant role in the performance improvement efforts of any size or type organization- in speed, cost, and flexibility of implementation, in sustainability of behavior change, and ultimately, in transformation of work Climate, Environment, and CULTURE.

It can be ideal in these applications:
  • As entry-level insight for anyone new to Next-Gen Performance Improvement
  • To satisfy “Human Performance” training requirements for all Team Members (as imposed by oversight, regulatory, industry, or client standards or guidelines)
  • For new Team Member orientation & onboarding
  • ​As Human Performance refresher training
  • ​As ‘just-in-time’ training prior to outages or significant evolutions

"One of the most comprehensive views I’ve seen on how to drive a safety culture."

David Galloway
Six Sigma, Master Black Belt

"One of the most comprehensive views I’ve seen on how to drive a safety culture."

David Galloway
Six Sigma, Master Black Belt

And for inquiring minds-
 a bit more insight into what each Episode
will do for you and your Team Members...

Episode 01: Content vs. Context

Episode 1 dives into Choices, Consequences, Content, and Context. You will understand how the Choices you make dictate the life you lead (the Consequences of your Choices). You will then experience the difference between Content and Context. This episode focuses on being mindful and open to receiving max benefit from the Episodes that follow. (~15 min to complete)

Episode 02: Understanding Your WHY

The Core of all performance- your personal performance, team performance, organization & enterprise performance- is Human Performance.  In this Episode you'll understand what "human performance" is and come to know the source of all motivation. You'll experience why change can be 'uncomfortable' and be given 4 simple steps for achieving a bigger, happier, more successful life and career. (~15 min to complete)

Episode 03: Proactive Accountability®

People tend to 'hang out' in one of two groups- those who primarily focus upon scarcity and entitlement, and those who tend to see possibility and opportunity. The separation between the two groups is the Great Divide. In this Episode, you'll understand the Great Divide, and classic behaviors in "Suckers' Swamp." You'll assess how easily you recognize when you're 'playing the victim' and be given 3 simple steps for rising above. (~16 min to complete) 

Episode 04: Understanding Yourself & Others

Episode 04 begins with a story from ancient history that reinforces the source of motivation you learned about in Episode 2. It then builds a simple model for understanding how things around you influence your thoughts, and ultimately your choices, actions, and behaviors. Once you understand this model and learn to use it, you can become a Powerful INFLUENCER- first of yourself and then of others. (~15 min to complete)

Episode 05: Your Team (Part 1) The Foundation

Building off the Individual Performance Model™ learned in Episode 4, you will now come to see how the 'models' of individual team members combine to create the culture and performance of the team. You'll learn the 4 Precepts, the simple yet profound foundation of Next-Gen Performance. You'll also come to understand that being a "Leader" has nothing to do with where your name happens to reside on an org chart. (~13 min to complete)

Episode 06: (Part 2) One Team. One Goal. One Conversation.

This Episode begins with the rise-from-near-ashes of Southwest Airlines, a story demonstrating the power of working as one team, with one goal, having one conversation. It then develops the (4) imperatives for team success: Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity, and Safety (REPS). You'll see how most companies create conflicting agendas when it comes to performance essentials and HOW to align your personal priorities with those of your team or organization. 
(~19 min to complete)

Episode 07: Mistakes and Consequences

Each of your Team Members (including you) makes [on average] 2 to 5 mistakes per hour. Fortunately, most have little or no consequence. Sometimes however, the toll includes significant harm, loss of life, and/or huge financial loss. In this Episode you'll experience your tendencies to make mistakes. You'll then get clear on defined levels of consequence: "Close-Call," "Incident," and "Accident/Event." (~12 min to complete)

Episode 08: Traps, Landmines, and Roadblocks

Using a story of near-catastrophe at a US nuclear power plant, this Episode illustrates how typical work place 'setups' (Traps, Roadblocks, and Landmines) tend to accumulate, setting the stage for really bad things to happen. Present in virtually every work environment, it's essential that you and your team members identify and eliminate these setups. The Episode includes an exercise to help you do just that. (~25 min to complete)

* NOTE: It is highly recommended that participants have the Error Elimination Tools™ (Handbook or APP) present and available for Episodes 8-11. Individual APP access is provided for each HUB iLearning participant.

Episode 09: Your Primary Offense

After introducing the Error Elimination Tools™, this Episode focuses upon the POWER TOOLs- the 20% of the TOOLs offering 80% of the benefit. A simple exercise helps increase your awareness. You then learn the first (2) POWER TOOLs- Awareness and Questioning Attitude. Each is introduced with a laugh-out-loud video. These TOOLs provide Powerful OFFENSE against making mistakes. (~17 min to complete)

Episode 10: Your Primary DEFENSE

In Episode 10, you'll learn the TOOLs STOP When Unsure and Self-Checking. These POWER TOOLs provide tactical DEFENSE against making mistakes. Paired with Awareness and Questioning Attitude, STOP When Unsure prompts you to STOP when you're unsure or things 'don't seem right'. As you take actions, Self-Checking ensures you're doing the 'right' thing to the 'right' thing. Each TOOL is introduced with a laugh-out-loud video. (~15 min to complete)

Episode 11: Working With Others

The final 2 POWER TOOLs virtually eliminate mistakes when working with other Team Members to complete a job or task- Effective Communication and Pre-Job Brief. With the learning provided, you will quickly become expert in 3-part (formal) communications, including use of phonetics. Two specific tactics are then provided for HOW to exponentially increase the mistake-preventing power of Pre-Job Briefs (aka, "Tailboards," "Job Hazard Assessments (JHAs)," "Patient Briefings,"...whatever you might happen to call them)  (~22 min to complete)

Episode 12: Being The LEADER

Episode 12 completes the HUB experience with a story about the first blind person to ever summit Mount Everest. The story highlights that being a "leader" has nothing to do with titles or positions on an org chart. It’s about recognizing opportunities to step up and add value- to perhaps even "save the day." This Episode combines everything you've learned into an inspiring Call To Action- challenging you see what needs to be done and take action to make it happen (~9 min to complete)
FINAL QUIZ: Following completion of Episode 12, the final quiz serves two primary purposes: (1) it helps you retain the 'important' points contained in Episodes 1-12 and tie them together for use as you move forward, and (2) it validates that you 'get it'- that you understand the Next-Gen Approach to THINKing, FEELing, and DOing Different (Better, Safer, more Efficient, & more Reliable).

The Quiz is crafted using a combination of True/False and Multiple-Choice questions. If you paid attention during the Episodes, you'll have no problem achieiving a stellar score.

As inscribed on your graduation certificate, passing the quiz certifies you as a "Human Performance Super-Pro." It also qualifies you to receive (4) Professional Development Hours (PDH) awarded by the Human Performance Association, Inc.  
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE: Your official suitable-for-framing certificate is immediately downloadable once you pass the quiz. Signed by our founder, Tim Autrey, it designates you as a "Human Performance Super-Pro!" 
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HOURS CERTIFICATE: Available upon request, the Human Performance Association will award (4) Professional Development Hours (PDH) when you successfully complete the Human Performance BASIC Training iLearning™ Course and pass the Quiz. 

Meet Your Virtual Facilitators...

Dean Sinclair

Dean has been wholly committed to performance improvement since the day he was born- especially the human side of the performance equation. His life’s mission is to inspire others to do what inspires them. He does so by facilitating courses (such as this) on Human Performance. 

Dean speaks around the world, offering his unique perspective on Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity, and Safety to senior leaders, mid-level directors, managers and supervisors, as well as to those who actually do the work. 

Dean’s philosophy is- as long as humans are still involved in getting things done, Human Performance (properly understood) lies at the CORE of all performance. 

He resides in Quantum with his dog, his life-long pal- Fritz.

Nick Romano

Nick has been ‘addicted’ to watching and studying human behavior since a very young age. His life’s mission is to inspire others to THINK, FEEL and DO different. 

He facilitates courses (such as this) on Human Performance. He speaks around the world…24 hours per day… offering his unique perspective on WHY we do WHAT we do the WAY we do it. 

Nick has mentored executives, senior leaders, small business owners, mid-level directors, managers and supervisors…as well as those who actually do the work. 

Nick’s philosophy is- Human Performance lies at the CORE of all performance (that is- as long as humans are still involved in getting things done). 

When he’s not on the road, he hangs out in Etherville with his dog, his best bud- Brownie.
Nick’s version includes an option 
to use closed-captioning if desired.

Act 1 Intro- Nick

Act 2 Intro- Dean

Sample Content (Dean)

"I’ve been with the company for 35 years, and it was the biggest, fastest culture change I’ve ever seen."

Gary Mechler
Plant General Manager (Retired)

"I’ve been with the company for 35 years, and it was the biggest, fastest culture change I’ve ever seen."

Gary Mechler
Plant General Manager (Retired)

Want More Info on Human Performance BASIC Training™?

Grab your iLearning ACCESS HERE...

Instant Access to Your Learning Portal
 Learning Portal Access for Each Member of Your Team
Instant Access to Your Learning Portal
 Learning Portal Access for Each Member of Your Team
If you are unhappy with your 
HUB iLearning experience for 
ANY reason whatsoever, 
simply let us know 
and we'll initiate a FULL refund 
within 24 hours.

Have Specific Questions?

We are here to serve...

We’re here to serve you- to help you sustainably raise personal and organizational leadership, performance, and results to levels simply not achievable through old-school thinking or methods.

Quite simply- we're here to help you TRANSFORM CULTURE in a way that makes our world BETTER and SAFER.

Should you have ANY questions or if you just want to talk to some really cool people about...most anything at all…

Let us know using the form to the right., or contact us using the info provided below.

Either way, we'll reach out to you post haste.

Phone: +1 (702) 331-8391

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2780 South Jones Blvd. Suite 3722
Las Vegas, NV 89146
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