Human Performance is not ‘rocket science’-
it’s people science.
While Apps & Tools are not 
the ‘solution’ for building your future,
any master craftsperson needs a plan,
a means of measuring, and proper tools.
We’re providing the following APPS & TOOLs
to help you and your Team Members
continually GET better & DO better.


As technology continues its rapid march forward, so do the Applications (Apps) for using it, learning from it, and leveraging it.
The APPs provided below have been built specifically for you as a LEADER committed to sustainably improving performance. 

Cost-of-Error Calculator

Most Business Owners, Leaders, & Performance Improvement Professionals don’t have a clue about the costs of Team Member mistakes. The Cost-of-Error Calculator quickly tallies how much ongoing errors are impacting your ‘bottom line’.

What's Your Generational Mindset?

What's a "generation"? It's a ‘kinship’ of people whose worldview has been influenced by social, economic, political, and technological disruptions. Understanding Generational Mindset goes a long way toward resolving Team Member ‘sticking points’.

Your Transformation Conversation

This APP allows you to leverage the POWER of KNOWING where you ARE, WHERE you want to GO, and...WHY.

What Type LEADER Are You?

Old-school success was achieved through “command & control”. This is NOT how to successfully LEAD into the future. This TOOL helps you identify your current predominant Leadership Quadrant.


Every craftsperson uses tools to complete work Safely, Reliably, and Efficiently. The more they use right Tools in right Ways, the more they Master their Craft.
We’ve created the following TOOLs to help you and your Team Members virtually eliminate mistakes while simultaneously growing in awareness and understanding as Individuals, as Teams, and as Organizations...

Error Elimination TOOLs™ Handbook

When used uncompromisingly, these simple behavioral TOOLs virtually eliminate the potential for making mistakes- individually and collectively.

Error Elimination TOOLs™ Handbook Leader's Guide

The Practicing Perfection® Error Elimination Tools™ Leader’s Guide provides a step-by-step roadmap for implementation, reinforcement, and support of the Error Elimination Tools™ within your organization.

A/B/C-Player Self-Assessment

Face it- there are “A-Players,” “B-Players,” and “C-Players.” What does this mean? Which one are you? How do your Team Members stack up? Use this TOOL to score yourself and your Team.

Error Elimination TOOLs™

When used uncompromisingly, these simple behavioral TOOLs virtually eliminate the potential for making mistakes- individually and collectively.

A/B/C-Player Self-Assessment

Face it- there are “A-Players,” “B-Players,” and “C-Players.” What does this mean? Which one are you? How do your Team Members stack up? Use this TOOL to score yourself and your Team.

What Type LEADER Are You?

Old-school success was achieved through “command & control”. This is NOT how to successfully LEAD into the future. This TOOL helps you identify your current predominant Leadership Quadrant.

Have a Specific Question?

We are here to serve...

We’re here to serve you- to help you sustainably raise personal and organizational leadership, performance, and results to levels simply not achievable through old-school thinking or methods.

Quite simply- we're here to help you TRANSFORM CULTURE in a way that makes your Organization (and ultimately...our world) BETTER and SAFER.

Should you have ANY questions or if you just want to talk to some really cool people about...most anything at all…

Let us know using the form to the right or contact us using the info provided below.

Either way, we'll reach out to you post haste.

Phone: +1 (702) 331-8391

PPI Global, Ltd.
2780 South Jones Blvd. Suite 3722
Las Vegas, NV 89146
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