Uncover Your Path To Becoming a
Human Performance
Subject Matter Expert 

Leverage Principle-Based insights, strategies & Tools 
to predictably and sustainably improve 
Safety, Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity, & Profitability- EVERYTHING you need to become a true EXPERT in 
Human & Organizational Performance Improvement

Acquire Your 

Principle-Based Performance™


Next Summit will be

"What I got was pretty much what I learned while earning my Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership, but synthesized in three days."

Alina Ortega Bustamante
Senior Organizational Development Consultant- Austin Energy

"What I got was pretty much what I learned while earning my Masters Degree in Organizational Change, but synthesized in three days."

Alina Ortega Bustamante
Senior Organizational Development Consultant- Austin Energy

Improving Performance Today Requires 
Levels of Awareness & Understanding 
that are DIFFERENT than Ever Before...

Before reading any further, there are 2 terms you should know...
Technocrats: those who focus primarily (or exclusively) on the technicals & metrics of performance, often succumbing to 'analysis paralysis' (aka anal occulitis).  
Zealots: those who zealously latch onto the "latest & greatest" program to the exclusion of all else, that is...
until the next shiny box rears its head. 
Now that I've laid this on the table, if you've tended toward either of these, you need to leave your old-school habits FAR behind. 
And if you're new to Performance Improvement, FORGET about becoming either of them...  
Technocrats & Zealots Are (and Should Be) Extinct
If this seems harsh, consider where your Team Members, Clients, & Customers are coming from...
  • Most couldn't care less about their cognitive control hierarchy, the normalization of deviance, or the underlying intricacies of latent organizational weaknesses. [for the Technocrats]
  • The ongoing 'fill & drain' of new programs- the latest sure-to-fix-every-problem program generates frustration, confusion, apathy, and ultimately...resistance. [for the Zealots]
  • ​Hearing redundant messages, such as 'hand safety training' for the 5th or 6th time, or "Don't forget to STAR" for the 47th time becomes meaningless drivel. [Definition of insanity anyone?]
  • More 'Rules' & 'Tools' are NOT the answer. [Once again- definition of insanity anyone?]
You're likely aware these old-school approaches no longer cut it, which is WHY You're HERE...
So then, WHAT is the SOLUTION?
Understanding & Synergizing Psychology and Technology to create a holistic WIN-WIN-WIN strategy & approach.
Otherwise known as...

Principle-Based Performance Improvement™

What exactly is "Principle-Based" Performance Improvement (PPI)?

PPI leverages Natural Principles to generate sustainable and continually improving 
WIN-WIN-WIN Outcomes & Results.

To get to the 'heart' of it...

What's the answer to this question?
"When will you, or I, or...anyone...do 'right' things in 'right' ways...even when no one's watching?"
The answer is simple- only when we WANT to
For example, 
When will Team Members wear hearing protection (PPE) when no 'boss' or safety oversight is present?
Only when noise levels are so high it causes physical pain, or when they consciously value their ability to hear.
In other words...when they WANT to.  
When will a Team Member, working alone, with no one else around, actively engage triggers or thoughtfully self-check?   
Only when they feel that use of such tactics and Tools will help them do their job better and/or keep them safe.
In other words...when they WANT to.  
and yet another example...  
When making purchasing or use-of-material decisions, when will Team Members treat company property with thoughtful and conservative care?  
Only when they feel a sense of ownership and accountability to their Team & Organization. 
In other words (you guessed it)...when they WANT to. 

Creating an Environment of DESIRE

When you consider how moment-to-moment choices, actions, and behaviors of your Team Members ultimately determine your organization's Outcomes & Results, the importance of doing 'right' things in 'right' ways for 'right' reasons becomes QUITE obvious.    
This is more important NOW than ever before because in today's environment only (2) things truly matter...
  • RESULTS, and
BUT- how can you possibly create a work climate, environment, and ultimately Culture where Team Members FEEL necessary levels of OWNERSHIP and ACCOUNTABILITY...where they WANT to do right things in right ways for 
right reasons?
This is where the picture starts to get a little bit clearer...

Principle-Based Performance Improvement™ T-Model

As a Leader or Business Owner, or Safety, Human Resources or Human Performance Improvement Professional, you've likely been biased toward either the 'technical' side or the 'kum-by-yah" side of Human Performance, 'Team Building', 'Team Learning', Behavior-Based Safety, Organizational Performance, HPI, HOP, HRO...the list goes on and on.
Each of these has merit and is typically well-intended, HOWEVER...
The jury's reached a verdict on all of them: of themselves, at least as they've been deployed and employed with segmented thinking and doing, NONE can or will achieve long-term, sustainable, and continually improving Results & Outcomes. 
Think about it...
If you need to move an object and your 'tool' is a piece of rope, using the rope to pull the object can work quite well.
However, try pushing the object using that same rope and the results are quite different.
And yet, whether focusing on Technicals & Metrics or the latest & greatest 'program', MOST approaches for improving performance continue to lunge out of the gate by 'pushing' straight into the light blue sections of the T-Model. 
(Which is about as effective as pushing on a rope.)
In other words, conventional approaches tend to...
  • Dive straight into reducing mistakes and improving metrics with incessant pushing of new (latest & greatest) policies, procedures, checklists, rules, and 'tools' to improve targeted KPIs or measurements 
  • Focus on "ZERO" through well-intended slogans and messaging without regard for human fallibility or day-to-day variability 
  • ​Implement & attempt to Scale across the organization, treating Team Members like 'things'- expecting them to 'fall in line' and 'do what they're told' with little (if any) consideration of human nature  
Again, while often well-intended, such polarizing efforts will never achieve sustainable or continually improving results.
Because they omit & bypass understanding of the Human Element.
The ONLY way jumping straight to the implementations cited above can achieve any results whatsoever 
is through...compliance.
In a compliance-based environment, Team Member choices, actions, & behaviors can rise to meet expectations. HOWEVER- typically do so only for short periods and/or when someone's watching.
It's human nature!
While reducing mistakes, achieving ZERO Events, and scaling across your organization are necessary and important, answers & solutions for HOW to properly leverage and scale human nature into sustainable WIN-WIN-WIN Outcomes & Results lies within the other components of the PPI T-Model.
To achieve sustainable performance improvement, you must transform your THINKing and FEELing about human nature, motivation, and accountability (the bottom/vertical part of the T), BEFORE you begin DOing 
(the top/horizontal part of the T). 
If you truly want to maximize your efforts to Improve Performance, whether your primary focus is to improve Safety, Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity, or profitability (or any combination of these), you must have an understanding of Human Nature AND develop a FULL toolbelt of Human & Organizational Performance skills.  
And the GREAT NEWS is...
You can get all of this in ONE Place in just (4) Days. 

Human Performance Certification SUMMIT

Your Hands-On Opportunity to 
Learn DIRECTLY from the CREATOR of 
Principle-Based Performance Improvement™


to earn your
Principle-Based Performance Specialist (PPS) 

Next SUMMIT will be

Tim Autrey
Creator- Principle-Based Performance Improvement™
Founder & CEO- PPI Global, Ltd.
Author- 6-Hour Safety Culture
Host- REPSRadio.com
This Learning Opportunity is hands down, the most comprehensive Performance Improvement Training in the industry today.
We begin by making sure you get crystal clear on the most important part of ANY effort to improve Performance:
And to do that, we kick things off by mastering (4) foundational topics:
  • ​PRINCIPLES vs Values - WHY this understanding & differentiation is essential in today's environment
  • ​The CORE of ALL Performance - WHAT to focus upon (and what NOT to focus upon)
  • Individual & Organizational Performance - HOW to powerfully INFLUENCE choices, actions, & behaviors
  • Overcoming Victimization - HOW to move yourself & others from feeling like victims to being Proactively Accountable
After we learn to THINK Different and FEEL Different, you'll then learn HOW to DO Different as we take an in-depth look at the core competencies of Team & Organizational Performance Improvement, including:
  • Human Fallibility
  • ​Understanding & Minimizing Organizational Setups for Mistakes (Traps, Roadblocks, & Landmines)
  • ​Defense-in-Depth (including Simple Tools for Maximizing Behavioral Defenses)
  • The R-E-F Method for Sustainably Achieving Zero Events
  • Engagement & Alignment of individual WHYs with Organizational WHYs using a Simple 'Recipe' for Honoring & Promoting Initiative & Accountability While Growing Relationships
  • Moving From Learning Into Committed Practice Through Creation of a Code
  • ​The REPS Dilemma- HOW to Transform the Dysfunction of Conflicting Priorities & Agendas  Into a Culture of One Team with One Goal having One Conversation
  • ​Understanding Your Sphere of Influence to Help Make Your Team, Organization, and Ultimately Our World BETTER & SAFER 
Specific Case Studies and Examples are used so that you can see how all aspects of PPI synergize to generate long-term, sustainable, and continually improving WIN-WIN-WIN Outcomes and Results.  
After participating in the PPI Certification SUMMIT, you'll have the awareness, the understanding, and the tools to effectively LEAD and INFLUENCE into the Future.
“This Course has presented me with the information and the tools I need to change lives in a massive way. This is going to be the next level for our company, not just safety, not just production, but for EVERYTHING.”
Lee Aumend
MS- Psychology
Reedy Creek

Your Path to Becoming a
Human Performance MVP

The PPI Certification SUMMIT offers your BEST and QUICKEST pathway for achieving your PPS Certification.
Through your participation you will...
Learn directly from Tim Autrey, author of 6-Hour Safety Culture and creator of Principle-Based Performance Improvement™.
And through your active participation and follow-through you will become a Principle-Based Performance Improvement Specialist 
who can confidently:
  • IDENTIFY work climate, environment, and cultural issues and know HOW to address them
  • ​INFLUENCE & INSPIRE A-Players, B-Players, and C-Players alike 
  • CREATE a Performance Improvement Strategy and Plan from A-Z for your Team and entire Organization
  • DEVELOP metrics that provide proactive forward-looking insight (rather than historical after-the-fact perspective)
  • LEAD a Team of Performance Improvement Professionals with synchronized & synergized roles
  • COLLABORATE with colleagues & your Leadership Team to craft & deploy a cohesive improvement plan 
Principle-Based Performance Specialist (PPS) Certification is your personal & professional competitive edge, 
opening doorways to bigger & better performance and opportunities.  
You will KNOW precisely HOW to implement your newly-honed skills into your existing role(s) and beyond.  

What is a PPI Certification?

PPI Certifications tell the world that you understand and can apply proven strategies in the most important lever-pulling steps that propel the Performance of any Team, Business, or Organization. 

Top-To-Bottom Insight

Proven Strategies & Playbooks

World-Class Instructors

Resume-Worthy Achievements

Next Summit will be

Course Details

The PPI Certification Course is the most comprehensive Performance Improvement training in the industry. 

The SUMMIT MasterClass encompasses the FULL 
Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ curriculum PLUS Deeper-Dive Insights & Strategies to help you become 
a Subject Matter Expert (SME) 
in Principle-Based Performance Improvement™.

In this 4-Day SUMMIT, you'll learn the foundation of PPI's curriculum and get CERTIFIED as a 
Principle-Based Performance Specialist (PPS)

Human Performance 
Certification SUMMIT Preview

Catch a glimpse of what the PPI Certification SUMMIT looks like 
& how prior graduates FEEL about their experiences... 

When You Register Today,
You'll Get Instant Access 
to These Additional Resources...

One-Year PPI Lab 
INNER CIRCLE Membership  

Your Portal to all PPI Lab Tools & Resources including your Success Path, Team Briefings, Team Exercises, 
Self-Assessments, Leadership & Metrics Development Worksheets, monthly AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions, and direct access to Tim Autrey    
Retail Value: $2790 (INCLUDED)  


Learn on YOUR time and YOUR schedule with the online 24/7 PPI HPI LEADERSHIP Masterclass. Have the complete curriculum available for reference whenever you need it!   
Retail Value: $1799 (INCLUDED)  

Human Performance 
BASIC Training™ iLearning 

Learn the BASICs of Principle-Based Performance Improvement™ on a FUN, interactive, and entertaining Journey lead by your choice of animated facilitators.  
Retail Value: $97 (INCLUDED)  

Error Elimination POWER TOOLs™ 
Team Briefing Series 

Everything you need to train & deploy the POWER TOOLs, including Team Briefing Facilitation Guides, PowerPoints, and videos you can use to have Tim Autrey 
as your co-facilitator! 
Retail Value: $527 (INCLUDED)  

PPI Error Elimination Tools™
Leader's Guide 

Step-by-Step guidance for LEADING & INSPIRING use of PPI Error Elimination Tools™ to drive the incidence of mistakes to lowest possible levels across your entire Organization.   
Retail Value: $29 (INCLUDED)  

Cost-of-Error Calculator

Quickly calculate how much Human Error is costing your Organization. Use YOUR numbers to make a compelling move-forward case for even the most reluctant decision-makers, as well as to quantify your ROI (Return On Investment) for your Performance Improvement efforts.   
Retail Value: $49 (INCLUDED)  

Total Value $5,291

INCLUDED with Your SUMMIT Registration

Become a Certified Principle-Based Performance Specialist (PPS)


  • 10 Core Modules
  • ​Your Transformation Conversation
  • ​What Type Leader Are You?            Self-Assessment
  • ​A/B/C-Player Self-Assessment
  • ​What's Your Gen Mindset?              Self-Assessment
  • ​Full-color 149-page Workbook
  • ​Copy of Tim Autrey's best-selling book- 6-Hour Safety Culture 
  • ​Error Elimination Tools™ Handbook     + APP Access
  • ​Principle-Based Mentoring™   Mentor's Notebook
  • ​Principle-Based Performance™ Blueprint & Planning Guide
  • ​Next-Gen Human Performance Metrics Manual
  • ​16-Page Certification Exam Study Guide
  • ​1 Certification Exam
  • ​One-on-One Post-SUMMIT Follow-up & Plan Review with Tim Autrey

"Love this simplistic viewpoint on HPI! This viewpoint could have saved me $140k at Capella on my Ph.D.!!"

Valerie Bernard, Ph.D.
Executive Training Centers, Inc.

to Achieving Your PPS Certification,
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) /
Continuing Education Credits (CECs) 
Are Available...

Curriculum Incorporated Into the PPI Certification SUMMIT  
is Accredited by the Human Performance Association, Inc.
As such, SUMMIT Participants can receive 
(20) PDHs/CECs upon request
(as specified below) 

Upon completion of the PPI Certification SUMMIT, you will be eligible to take the online Principle-Based Performance Specialist (PPS) Certification Exam. When you pass the exam, you can request and receive (20) PDHs/CECs awarded by the Human Performance Association, Inc. 

is an international not-for-profit Organization 
committed to establishing standards for Accreditation  
of Curriculums and Professional Designations 
within the Human Performance Industry. 

Next SUMMIT will be
announced soon. 

"Love this simplistic viewpoint on HPI! This viewpoint could have saved me $140k at Capella on my Ph.D.!!"

Valerie Bernard, Ph.D.
Executive Training Centers, Inc.

“This Course has presented me with the information and the tools I need to change lives in a massive way. This is going to be the next level for our company, not just safety, not just production, but for EVERYTHING.”
Lee Aumend
MS- Psychology
Reedy Creek

What do Previous Participants 
say about the PPI Human Performance 
Certification SUMMIT?

Upcoming Certification SUMMIT Dates

SUMMIT Schedule

7:00 PM - Registration
7:30 PM - PPI Night at the Movies [a SUMMIT FAVORITE!] 
We'll be ENJOYING popcorn, confectionaries, and beverages while we watch a compilation of three recent Hollywood Hit movies on the BIG SCREEN.
We'll be watching for the Human & Organizational Performance Setups, Conditions, & Challenges involved with the real events portrayed in the films. 
As part of our Monday Morning Session, we'll discuss our perceptions of the Good, the Bad, and the UGLY in the incidents portrayed in the films. 
7:30 AM - Registration (if required)
8:00 AM to ~ 5:30 PM - Principle-Based SME MasterClass 
with Tim Autrey
8:00 AM to ~ 5:30 PM - Principle-Based SME MasterClass 
with Tim Autrey
8:00 AM to ~ 5:30 PM - Principle-Based SME MasterClass
with Tim Autrey
8:00 AM to ~ 4:30 PM - Principle-Based SME MasterClass
with Tim Autrey
NOTE: Lunch is provided daily Monday - Thursday

Venue Information

Next Summit will be
announced soon.
The Embassy Suites-Brier Creek
Raleigh, NC

Can't Travel?


Whether you can't make it to Raleigh due to company travel restrictions, budget limits, or your schedule simply won't allow it, while we will MISS you, WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED!
HOW does it work?  CLICK HERE for Details.

What if Your Plans Change?

If you notify us 30 or more days before the start of the SUMMIT, we will offer you either a full refund (minus 10% for processing fees), or credit toward an upcoming course of equal or lesser value.
If you notify us within 30 days the start of the SUMMIT, we will issue you a credit for an upcoming course of equal or lesser value.
You can now participate in the SUMMIT from wherever you are
via your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone!

To participate virtually, simply check the VIRTUAL (Live
Online) option when you register.

"What I got was pretty much what I learned while earning my Masters Degree in Organizational Change, but synthesized in three days."

Alina Ortega Bustamante
Senior Organizational Development Consultant- Austin Energy

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the SUMMIT for?

The PPI Certification SUMMIT is perfect for anyone who wants to truly understand humans working in organizations and is seeking 
WIN-WIN-WIN solutions that target the constraints, concerns, 
and issues of today's work environments.   
More specifically, the Certification SUMMIT is a great fit for...  
  • Executives & Senior Leaders who are tired of 'shiny box' promises and 'check the box' band-aids for performance issues; who know in their 'gut' there must be a sustainable pathway for bringing the organization together as One Team
  • Business Owners who would love to truly own their business (rather than their business owning them)
  • Directors, Coordinators, & Change Agents seeking to elevate Team Member Engagement, Accountability, and Ownership; who are tired of the need for continual 'policing' of choices, actions, and behaviors
  • ​Human Resources Professionals who want to move beyond reactive 'company lawyer-ship' to make a positive proactive difference in the 'human' side of the organization 
  • ​Front-Line Supervisors who want to LEAD; who want to coach & mentor and build a true sense of "team"
  • ​Human Performance & Safety Professionals who want to expand their abilities to Influence and/or elevate their professional Certification credentials
  • ​Any individual who recognizes that synthesizing and synergizing 'people' with 'organization' holds the key to the future

How will participating in the SUMMIT help me?

It depends on who you are...
If you're an executive or senior leader who KNOWS the future demands 'different' and you recognize the need to move quickly, the SUMMIT defines your pathway for melding Natural Principles of human nature with your Organizational vision, needs, targets, & goals. And it does so in (4) immersive days.
If you're a business owner, the SUMMIT offers your opportunity to learn & capture human & organizational insights, strategies, and tools previously affordable only to large organizations.
If you're a Manager and/or Department Head, you'll learn strategies and 
HOW TO Solutions for overcoming dysfunction & apathy while bolstering the outcomes of all the good things you're already doing.
If you're a Performance Improvement Professional, whether your focus is Safety, Reliability, Risk Management, Efficiency/Cost Reduction, Quality, and/or Productivity, you'll discover HOW to leverage Natural Principles to sustainably achieve your desired goals & targets. 
If you're an HR Professional seeking to proactively move beyond the legal aspects of Human Resources, PPS Certification is the ideal credential. 
By the way- the JAN/FEB 2018 issue of Harvard Business Review cited Human Performance expertise as more desirable than an MBA for professional growth within HR. 
If you're a Front Line Supervisor, attending the SUMMIT and acquiring your PPS Certification will enhance your ability to build One Team and will help you achieve outcomes that will propel your career. 
If you're a student, whether your primary study is in Management/Leadership, Safety, Human Resources, or Human Performance, the SUMMIT introduces you to the future of Leadership, Culture Transformation, and Performance Improvement. 

Are there tuition discounts for multiple participants from the same organization?

A huge part of our mission is to help make it as easy as possible for you and your team to make things BETTER and SAFER, and to do so...SUSTAINABLY. As such, we encourage developing as much 'bench strength' in Principle-Based Performance™ as you possibly can. And the best way to build depth is through participation in the Certification SUMMIT.

To help ease the investment for having multiple Team Members participate, we offer $500 per person tuition reductions for the SUMMIT and for TRAIN-the-TRAINER. 

What's the significance of the "T-Shaped" approach to Principle-Based Performance™ and why NOW?

Human & Organizational Performance are NOT getting easier, and today's professionals need to be more aware, insightful, and mindful than ever to effectively & sustainably influence Team Member choices, actions, & behaviors.  
Unfortunately, virtually all other approaches for improving Human and/or Organizational Performance provide (1) surface-level 'rules & tools', or (2) only part of the Performance Improvement 'puzzle'.    
The "T-Shape" represents your holistic approach for melding & synergizing human and organizational performance...   
The bottom (vertical) part of the T is where you, as a Leader & Influencer, learn to THINK Different and FEEL Different- about yourself, about humans and our choices, actions & behaviors, and about the impacts of and our interactions with modern society & modern work environments.   
The top (horizontal) section is where you learn to DO Different™. Your newly-honed insights about human nature are leveraged into HOW TO Awareness, Strategies, Methods, & Tools for sustainably making things BETTER & SAFER.   

How valuable is PPS Certification?

PPS Certification identifies you as a Next-Gen Principle-Based THINKER and DOER. Far more valuable than any badge or Certificate however, is the knowledge you'll receive when you attend the SUMMIT and pass the Certification exam. You'll know HOW to bring simplicity and clarity into the confusion and overwhelm currently being generated by the ongoing dysfunction among societal 'norms' and expectations.  
Professionally, it will set you apart from any competition. 

What if I simply can't convince my boss to pay my tuition and still want to attend?

When a door gets slammed in your face- look for a window.
We believe so strongly in the personal & professional benefits you'll receive by attending the SUMMIT and acquiring your PPS Certification that we suggest 'opening your window' by paying the tuition yourself. 
And to help make this much easier, we're offering multiple payment options for those who are investing in themselves. 

Is my PPS Certification guaranteed when I attend the SUMMIT?

No. Any Certification that can be acquired by simply 'showing up' isn't worth the paper its printed on. 
The SUMMIT is an immersive learning experience and attendance alone offers phenomenal benefit. HOWEVER, to display the PPS Badge & Professional Certification, and to be eligible for PDH/CEC Award from the Human Performance Association, you must demonstrate you've acquired & retained associated Principle-Based Insights, Strategies, & Competencies by passing the Certification Exam. 

How long after the SUMMIT can I take the exam?

You can take the Certification Exam anytime within (12) months following your participation in the SUMMIT. We recommend, however, that you complete the exam immediately following the SUMMIT if possible.

How difficult is the Certification exam?

You'll find the exam to be "satisfyingly difficult." By that we mean it's tough enough that you need to know the materials, but it isn't tricky or 'hard' just for the sake of being 'hard'. 
The learning and experiences involved with the SUMMIT are different. You will learn to THINK Different, FEEL Different, and DO Different™. Your exam will reflect those differences. 
To preserve the exclusivity and importance of the PPS Designation, we've made the exam challenging. The questions pertain to PPI methodologies, many of which are proprietary. You shouldn't expect to pass the exam just because you've attended Human Performance or Performance Improvement trainings in the past, especially if they taught conventional concepts and methods. 
A score of 80% or greater is required to pass the Certification exam. If you 
(1) fully engage during the SUMMIT, (2) complete the Notes and Fill-ins in 
your PPI Certification SUMMIT Course Manual, and (3) refer to your PPS Exam Study Guide, you should have no problem nailing a passing score.  

What if I fail the exam? Am I allowed a re-test?

Yes. You may retake the exam up to 2 times (for a total of (3) attempts). After (3) failed attempts, you will be required to re-complete the MasterClass portion of the SUMMIT before attempting the Certification Exam again.

When will I receive my Certificate?

Your Certification exam will be available online as soon as you complete the SUMMIT. Once you pass the exam, the online system will generate your Certificate, which can be immediately downloaded and printed. In addition, you may request a framed personally-signed embossed Certificate, which we will send to you. 
NOTE: If you live outside the US, additional shipping & handling charges may apply.

How do I receive Professional Development Hours (PDHs) or Continuing Education Credits (CECs) from the Human Performance Association?

Once you pass the exam, you will receive instructions (including a request form) for requesting your award of PDHs/CECs from the Association. Once the Association validates your records, the Award will be sent to you for your records.

I don't care about Certifications...can I just attend the SUMMIT?

Of course. Our primary objective is to help you successfully elevate Safety, Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity and/or profitability across your Organization, your Business, or your Team. Your active participation in the SUMMIT will get you there. 
The Certification is actually included for free, with the SUMMIT itself making up 100% of the tuition. The personalized Badge and Certification are provided as a bonus for those who want to distinguish themselves as Principle-Based Performance Specialists (PPS). 

Can I get Licensed to Facilitate the PPI Curriculum?

YES! In truth- we ENCOURAGE this for those who are eligible.

If you are a Team Member within a PPI Implementation Client Organization and are passionate about moving your organization toward Principle-Based Performance Improvement™, you can participate in PPI TRAIN-the-TRAINER Certification & Qualification.

If you're not sure about your eligibility or would like more information about PPI TRAIN-the-TRAINER, GO HERE.

What if the SUMMIT training isn't a 'fit' or doesn't meet my needs for some reason?

No problem. If at the end of Day 1 of the SUMMIT you recognize that Principle-Based Performance™ simply isn't for you, just let us know. We'll refund the tuition you've paid AND you can keep your PPI Certification SUMMIT Course Manual!

How do I convince my boss to invest in this Certification for me?

Use this letter template to proclaim your intent & justify your interest in attending the PPI Certification SUMMIT:
Hi [Boss' Name],
I greatly appreciate that our company has a Culture of supporting continuing education, professional development, and a more proactive diverse pool of future leaders.
To that end, you've mentioned in the past that the company will cover expenses for us to continue our learning as long as it benefits our team.
I'd like to attend the upcoming Principle-Based Performance Improvement™ (PPI) Certification SUMMIT and acquire my Principle-Based Performance Specialist (PPS) Certification. This will greatly elevate my knowledge, skills, and abilities relative to Human & Organizational Performance, enabling me to contribute to the team in a much bigger way.
Here are the details about the SUMMIT: 
Dates: [enter dates of upcoming SUMMIT here]
Tuition: [enter the amount of your tuition here]
Is this something I can pursue through our department?
Please let me know what questions you have and if you have any concerns. I'd love to schedule a time for us to chat about this opportunity and what I know it can do for our Culture and our Performance.
Thanks for being open to these kinds of suggestions and for supporting our collective growth and development.
All my best,
[Your Name]

Are there tuition discounts for College Students?

We're on a mission to help make our world BETTER and SAFER. And what better way to promote a Principle-Based future than to make the PPI Certification SUMMIT affordable for those enrolled in college curriculums. 
For information about College Student Tuition (and to register) CLICK HERE.

Next Summit will be announced soon.
 Embassy Suites, Brier Creek, NC (Raleigh, NC).

"Love this simplistic viewpoint on HPI! This viewpoint could have saved me $140k at Capella on my Ph.D.!!"

Valerie Bernard, Ph.D.
Executive Training Centers, Inc.

“This Course has presented me with the information and the tools I need to change lives in a massive way. This is going to be the next level for our company, not just safety, not just production, but for EVERYTHING.”
Lee Aumend
MS- Psychology
Reedy Creek

Have a Question or Want More Information?

We are here to serve...

We’re here to serve YOU- to help you sustainably raise personal and organizational Leadership, Performance, and Results to levels simply not achievable through conventional thinking or doing.

Quite simply- we're here to help you TRANSFORM CULTURE in a way that makes your Organization (and ultimately...our world)  BETTER and SAFER.

Should you have ANY questions about Principle-Based Performance™, the PPI Certification SUMMIT, or if you just want to talk to some really cool people about...most anything at all…

Let us know using the form to the right or contact us using the info provided below.

Either way, we'll reach out to you post haste.

Phone: +1 (702) 331-8391

PPI Global, Ltd.
2780 South Jones Blvd. Suite 3722
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Full Name:
Email Address:
Comment or Message:
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