Here to SERVE...

Tim Autrey

Tim Autrey is a recognized thought leader in Human Performance. 
He has helped organizations around the world develop Next-Gen LEADERSHIP and achieve record-breaking improvements in Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity and Safety.

He is the author of 6-Hour Safety Culture and host of the REPS Radio podcast.  Tell me more...

Bob Catinazzo, PPM

Bob Catinazzo is a recognized expert in Human Performance Improvement, Error Reduction, and Culture Transformation. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree from American International College and a Master of Science Degree from Southern Connecticut State University.

Bob is a 20 + year veteran of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Tell me more...

Howard Sheard, PPM

Howard Sheard has over 35 years in the electrical utility business with the Consolidated Edison Company of New York (Coned). In 2010 when introduced to, and certified by, the Practicing Perfection Institute (PPI) Howard saw the vision and took it to the next level. Tell me more…

Randy Jones, PPM
PPI Master Facilitator

Randy Jones has been empowering safety-related choices, actions, & behaviors and helping grow safety cultures for 20+ years within organizations across several industries.

He recognizes safety as integral to organizational reliability, efficiency, and productivity. He’s a master at seeing the “bigger picture”, and for helping organization team members see it as well. This is represented by his ‘tagline’- “Every team member goes home safe at the end of the day with money in their pockets.”

Mark Bruso, PPS
Principle-Based Performance™ Specialist

Mark Bruso is an experienced trainer and instructor with over 34 years in the law enforcement field. Mark’s knowledge, skills and story-telling ability on the topics of risk assessment, risk management along with the execution of high-risk operations make him a favorite in the classroom.

Through this training and worldwide experience, Mark has gained a distinctive practical knowledge into the mindset of human performance...  Tell me more...

Mike Blevins

Mike Blevins is retired and a consultant to the energy industry. As an executive consultant, Mike has worked with various companies on new nuclear licensing, design, construction, operations readiness and staffing. 

Mike serves as a coach for several senior nuclear and corporate executives, advises on organizational development, emergency planning, market analysis, human performance and other topics. Tell me more...

Steven Bridges

Steven Bridges grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina where he attended U.N.C.W. and graduated with a Bachelors degree in Film Studies. 
Steven also attended Wake Technical College to further his passion for film and animation. 

Alex Samaniego

Alex Samaniego is a native Ecuadorian who grew up in Hightstown, New Jersey. Incredibly passionate about technology, he is constantly innovating to develop PPI technical capabilities beyond the next level.

Alex is proficient in Html, CSS, Java, Javascript, Python, JSX (React and React Native), AWS and Database Management. He has used his expertise to Code and Develop PPI APPs and the flagship PPI LAB.
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